Monday, September 19, 2011

RE-Submission of Complaints Filed Against Judge Ron L. Svaty And Attorney Jane Isern . . . WITH THE WORLD WATCHING

-----Original Message-----
From: Spencer C. Young <>
To: judicialqual <>; attydisc <>
Cc: general <>; governor <>; judicial.council <>; khrc <>; Lt.Governor <>; oah <>; kssos <>; USAKS-webmaster <>; us.marshals <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 18, 2011 3:47 pm
Subject: RE-Submission of Complaints Filed Against Judge Ron L. Svaty And Attorney Jane Isern . . . WITH THE WORLD WATCHING

TO: The Kansas Judicial Branch -- Commission on Judicial Qualifications & Office of the Disciplinary Administrator

Please consider this ONCE AGAIN to be the re-submission of complaints filed against Judge Ron L. Svaty and attorney Jane Isern; however this time the world watching, as noted below.  And please be advised that any further corruption-laden efforts to dismiss these damning complaints of OBVIOUS wrongdoing without investigation will simply NOT be tolerated -- for I will not rest until Mr. Svaty and Ms. Isern are removed, disbarred and prosecuted.

Kansas Government Officials Notified
You will note I have openly copied SOME of the Kansas Government officials who are being apprised of this matter, such as Governor Sam BrownbackDistrict Attorney Derek Schmidt and US Marshal's office (Note: my grandfather [of the same name] was appointed by President Franklin Roosevelt as US Marshal for the Eastern District of New York).

A Revealing Question
With one question (which includes viewing the two short videos), the fraud perpetrated by Svaty and Isern is obvious, and note that there is a surfeit of damning evidence stacked against them, which is contained in the attached files and their respective hyperlinks.  And here's the question:

If you were the father of Ryan Young, the 22-year-old phenom featured in numerous TV broadcasts on ESPN, Fox and CBS Sports, which is reflected in the below video (and note especially the commentary which begins at the 4:30 mark) . . .

Click here to play video

. . . and you were also the father of Jackson Young, the 3-year-old boy who is now lost without his father, and featured in the below video . . .

Click here to play video

. . . and a notoriously corrupt judge (Ron L. Svaty) more than 1,000 miles distant (in rural Kansas) and with no jurisdictional authority whatsoever had collaborated with an unethical attorney (Jane Isern) to unlawfully take Jackson away from you based on entirely bombastic lies, what would you do? 

The Answer 
You would most likely do what I am doing here . . . especially since there is SO MUCH MORE to the story, which is summarized in the attached pdf document titled "MorganStanleyGate Reaches Kansas", and articulated in greater detail in the attached presentation file titled: "Corruption in the Kansas Judicial Branch . . . " [In the event of difficulty in accessing the attached files, you can click on the respective hyperlinked titles to otherwise access them .]

The Scope & Distribution
The scandals involved are national in scope and have likely impacted EVERY citizen in America in some way because they involve: judicial & legal corruption; bank foreclosure fraud; police brutality, other instances of widespread corporate fraud, racketeering, extortion, sabotage and assassinations of both character and personAccordingly, this communique is being circulated to large, diverse, but precisely targeted groups including:
  • Government Leaders - For instance, President Barack Obama, US Attorney General Eric Holder, FBI Director Robert Mueller, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, Kansas District Attorney Barry Grissom, and members of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee
  • News Media - News organizations at the national and grassroots level throughout the US;
  • Activists - In particular, those focused on eradicating legal and judicial corruption, and citizens rights advocacy groups;
  • Law Schools - Leadership at the top law schools in America, including those whose expertise lies in the areas of Constitutional law, civil rights and legal and judicial ethics;  
  • Colleagues - Members of organizations to which I belong (e.g., Cornell Alumni, Mensa, Chi Psi fraternity and Intertel), and those with whom I've done business; and 
  • Friends and Family - Including those who know my loved ones, including Leah Krier, who was duped into filing the fraudulent petition and continues to suffer the effects of a nervous breakdown, resulting from the worst bank foreclosure fraud in U.S. history (explained in the attached).  This unfathomable fraud was the result of collaborative efforts by wayward senior bankers at Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo (through its Wachovia subsidiary) and Paragon Commercial Bank, in an effort to cover-up a larger scandal.
All told, this should reach over 150,000 people, many of whom are influential, and if this is further circulated as expected, the final tally could number in the millions . . . in which case, this injustice will be swiftly corrected and meaningful positive "change you can believe in" will be realized for countless others.

The Benefits
Getting the word out (and the resultant widespread support it should garner), will not only ensure this injustice is swiftly corrected, it will instigate meaningful change far beyond the woeful misconduct of Mr. Svaty and Ms. Isern -- And I am more than happy to assume a leadership role in this regard.  Thank you.

Spencer C. Young

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