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Aerial View of Mysterious Kansas Farmhouse
Serving As Hub For Cyber-Attack
Numerous people have voluntarily contacted Spencer C. Young, indicating: (1) their social website or email account had been hacked; (2) their identity was stolen; (3) they were the victim of electronic harassment; or (4) were subjected to other forms of cyber-crimes . . . ALL of which emanated from the SAME IP (Internet Protocol) ADDRESS, which was then traced to the SAME PHYSICAL LOCATION of a rural farmhouse in Potwin, Kansas, which appears to have various addresses, such as:
- 8652 NW 120th St., Potwin, KS 67123
- 8653 NW 120th St., Potwin, KS 67123
- 8689 County Road 576, Potwin, KS 67123
- 8635 NW 120th St., Potwin, KS 67123
The property is owned by Joyce M. Taylor, who in turn has made arrangements in advance to transfer title to this property jointly to Fred Whitmore and Mary Ann Mercado upon her passing.
Below is another instance of notification -- in fact, the THIRTY-SIXTH KNOWN VICTIM . . . and there are obviously MANY more.
The subsequent response to this email is also included:
-----Original Message-----
Subject: MY RESPONSE TO VICTIM # 36's EMAIL TITLED: Disturbing emails from co. Rd.576
-----Original Message-----
The subsequent response to this email is also included:
-----Original Message-----
From: Spencer C. Young <spencercyoung@aol.com>
To: trentonpls <trentonpls@gmail.com>
Cc: svmoonbow <svmoonbow@yahoo.com>; r4crifo <r4crifo@yahoo.com>; brianhershey <brianhershey@comcast.net>; seraphimfarm <seraphimfarm@yahoo.com>; lisasecord <lisasecord@gmail.com>; mysteriousfarmhousepotwinks <mysteriousfarmhousepotwinks@gmail.com>; clintluksa <clintluksa@hotmail.com>; ericowen_98 <ericowen_98@yahoo.com>; mpcarpenter <mpcarpenter@gmail.com>; StephanieLarsen <StephanieLarsen@comcast.net>; LazyDaisyGirl777 <LazyDaisyGirl777@aol.com>; aaronbechtel <aaronbechtel@hotmail.com>; askaalp <askaalp@online.no>; ahine <ahine@mail.tennessee.edu>; vastinterment <vastinterment@yahoo.com>; graemebrown <graemebrown@comcast.net>; pumashoes <pumashoes@rocketmail.com>; hmanoymous <hmanoymous@gmail.com>; james.speez <james.speez@gmail.com>; vincent.vincent.vincent.102 <vincent.vincent.vincent.102@gmail.com>; darthmonkey2004 <darthmonkey2004@gmail.com>; stelofti <stelofti@live.com>; James.Rawbone <James.Rawbone@acronis.com>; scy3 <scy3@icloud.com>; melissa.counsell <melissa.counsell@yahoo.com>; RobbieRN1 <RobbieRN1@live.com>; greg <greg@lemasterlawindiana.com>; droberts.padems <droberts.padems@gmail.com>; stonehenge_masonry <stonehenge_masonry@yahoo.com>; willethewolfman <willethewolfman@gmail.com>; kevmanw430 <kevmanw430@gmail.com>
Sent: Sat, Jun 7, 2014 2:36 amSubject: MY RESPONSE TO VICTIM # 36's EMAIL TITLED: Disturbing emails from co. Rd.576
Gehovani --
Thank you for your email -- your information has been forwarded to the FBI's Internet Crime Unit.
In return, I ask that you inform me when the FBI contacts you, the name of the agent(s) you are working with, and keep me posted about progress on your end.
Going forward, you will be included in email updates with the other Potwin, KS Farmhouse cyber-crime victims (copied herein), and you can always go to MorganStanleyGate.com for the latest on the associated omnibus scandal, which is the subject of yet untold banking abuse in an upcoming book due out in September, titled Cannibals In White Shoes.
Your notification of victimization (and this correspondence) has been posted online . . . http://www.morganstanleygate.com/2014/05/victim-36-in-potwin-ks-farmhouse-cyber.html
All the best,
All the best,
-----Original Message-----
From: Gehovani Grenwich <trentonpls@gmail.com>
Date: May 29, 2014 at 1:08:57 PM EDT
To: SpencerCYoung@aol.com
Subject: Disturbing emails from co. Rd.576
I traced the IP of a Facebook hacker and it pointed to this address. Just thought I would let you know
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