Thursday, June 11, 2015

Requested Involvement by Attorney General Loretta Lynch

The below letter was sent to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and was separately circulated to the national news media and interested others.  It naturally pertains to MorganStanleyGate and the efforts to cover it up, including the complicit role the FBI has played.

* * * * *
June 11, 2015

Loretta Lynch – Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-000

Congratulations on your appointment, and success in exposing corruption in FIFA.  My name is Spencer Young, an investment banker and commercial real estate investor by trade, a former Executive Director of Morgan Stanley, and founder of JPMorgan’s CMBS business.

This concerns a scandal of significance and vast in scope, where the FBI is implicated in its cover-up, and thus warrants your attention. The FBI’s wrongdoing is evident on many levels and its dereliction of duties is painfully obvious in lawfully recorded conversations – go to In addition, I outline some commonalities we share and make a three-part request, which, if fulfilled, will resolve a twelve-year nightmare no American should endure, and yield benefits for many others victimized by banksters and corrupt public officials.

Certain elements of your background are relevant to, or otherwise overlap (often geographically) with mine, in that you: (1) were born in Greensboro, NC; (2) grew up in Durham, NC; (3) became interested in law by watching proceedings in Durham County Court; (4) are Ivy-league educated with an advanced degree; (5) prosecuted governmental corruption in Brookhaven, NY; (6) served as US Attorney for the Eastern District of NY; (7) prosecuted corrupt politicians in both major parties; (8) prosecuted police brutality [e.g., Abner Louima]; (9) prosecuted bank mortgage fraud [e.g., Citigroup]; and (10) prosecuted other criminal wrongdoing by a bank [e.g., HSBC].

I ascribe these ten elements as shared commonalities with my background in the following context: (1) as the victim of “the worst bank foreclosure fraud in US history”, [verified by Google search] I was denied legal representation [via threats to any attorney I hired] to validate a Chapter 11 filing in Greensboro, NC that would have exposed and stopped this foreclosure fraud; (2) including a shopping center in Durham, NC [Triangle Village Auto Mall on the corner of NC Hwys 54 and 55]. which I bought when my sons were attending Duke; (3) I was unlawfully arrested in Florida by a US Marshal SWAT team on a fabricated charge filed in Durham County Court, by its then District Attorney [Leon Stanback], which was done to cover-up the felonies of his long-time friend, Durham “Emergency” Judge David Q. LaBarre, who together with his girlfriend, made off with $275,000 of my property (; (4) I am a fellow Ivy-Leaguer with a BS and MBA from Cornell University; (5) I owned a retail shopping center on Route 112 in Brookhaven, NY for nearly two decades; (6) my grandfather [Spencer C. Young, Sr.] was appointed by FDR and ran the Eastern District of NY for the US Marshals Service; (7) my wrongful 127 day incarceration [while unlawfully denied bail] and fraudulent extradition involved Republican FL Gov. Rick Scott and former Democrat NC Gov. Bev Perdue; (8) I have been a frequent victim of police brutality [e.g. violently evicted by a corrupt Orange County, NC Sheriff SWAT team on a mortgage PAID-IN-FULL]; (9) where three banks colluded (at the CEO level) as part of the referenced foreclosure fraud; and (10) as an insider and later as its target, I can wax eloquent on how Morgan Stanley engages in covert criminal activities, which is detailed in my upcoming book, Cannibals In White Shoes; The MorganStanleyGate Exposé.

My Request
My request is threefold: (1) acknowledge receipt of this letter (my contact information is below); (2) prosecute the Federal “Color of Law” Indictment against the 35 public officials and 15 complicit others named, which has been heretofore stonewalled by the FBI (accessible at; and (3) monitor the latest efforts to silence me, which are so incredulous, a separate website was necessary to explain this dastardly plot (see  This plot involves Pinellas County, Florida case # 15-061625-FD in a paternity fraud orchestrated by a corrupt Kansas Judge (Ron L. Svaty), to cover-up the crimes of a judge (and his girlfriend) in North Carolina.  As of this writing, and consistent with prior shenanigans, I am unable to hire an attorney for a June 25 hearing to expose this fraud.

Importantly, this scandal represents a threat to American democracy, as corrupt judges and wayward FBI officials, beholden to “banksters” of unbridled greed, have exhibited prima facie disdain for the US Constitution, and brazenly behave as though they are above the law. Madam Attorney General, your involvement is absolutely imperative, and should you fail to timely respond, my blood may very well end up on your hands.  

Spencer C. Young

Note:  The website for my upcoming book is         (919) 357-2844         1194 Lindenwood Dr. Tarpon Springs, FL 34688

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